
Create a cluster

Click the 'add a new cluster' button and select PostgreSQL.

Fill the required information about the database cluster and click next.

Fill additional required information and click 'Check' to verify validity.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to create the cluster.

Restore a node or cluster

Drag the selected backup onto the primary.

Click the correct option for your restoration point.

To avoid loss of data, type 'restore me' into the text box to confirm your decision.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to initiate the restore.

Create a standby

Switch to the 'Standbys' tab on your cluster inventory.

Drag the object labeled 'Drag me on to Primary to create a standby' onto the primary

Fill in the required information for your standby node and click next.

Fill additional required information and verify settings' validity by clicking the 'Check' button.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to create the Standby.

Create a database

Switch to the 'Databases' tab on your cluster inventory.

Drag the object labeled 'Drag me on to Primary to create a database' onto the primary.

Choose a name for your database and click the 'Check' button to ensure it is available.

You may opt into the auto-delete function, your database will be deleted at your desired date.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to create the Database.

Start and stop a node

Double click the primary node to enter the node configuration.

To stop the node, click the 'Stop' button.

The instance status is shown on the left, a red star indicates the node is stopped

To restart the node, click the 'Start' button.

Set node config and limits

Double click the primary node to enter the node configuration.

These are the current setting of your node.

Click the 'change' button to open the node settings

Open the drop-down menu to modify your node

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to confirm your changes.

Backup a node or a cluster

Switch to your 'backup' tab on your cluster inventory.

To create a backup, drag your primary node.onto your backups inventory.

Select your desired backup strategy, standard backup or schedule a routine backup.

Select a destination for your backup to be stored and whether or not you would like your backup to be compressed

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to start your backup.

Backup a database

Click the 'Physical layout' switch to view the databases in the cluster.

Switch to your 'Import/Export' tab to view your database backup inventory.

Drag your desired database onto your database inventory.

Choose a name for your backup database, select additional options and click next

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to start your backup.

Restore a database

Switch to your 'Import/Export' tab to view your database inventory.

Drag your desired backup onto your primary node.

Type 'restore me' into the text box to avoid accidental loss of data.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to restore.

Drop a node

Drag the node you with to drop onto the bin, can be either primary or a standby.

Type 'drop me' into the text box to confirm your decision.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to drop the node.

Drop a database

Click the 'Physical layout' switch to view the databases in the cluster.

Drag the database you wish to drop onto the bin.

Type 'drop me' into the text box to confirm your decision.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Submit' to drop the database.

Drop a backup or export

Switch to your 'Import/Export' tab to view your database inventory.

Drag the export you wish to drop onto the bin.

'Rest API' Button will copy to clipboard for your DevOps tools.

Click 'Yes' to drop the export.

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